The team from central Massachusetts has made several adjustments to their robot since the last competition in Boston to improve speed and durability in the matches. The adjustments appeared to have been a success as the team managed to go 11-0-0 in the qualifying matches to earn a #1 seeding in division 1. They chose team #929 Hereford Robotics the #2 seed from the division as their 1st alliance partner and a popular hometown team from Baltimore, #1748c, the Dunbar Lab Rats as their second.
The chemistry and teamwork among alliance members proved to be near perfect as the alliance was able to withstand strong challenges in the quarterfinals from the #4 seed led by another determined and defensive Dunbar Lab Rat team. In the semis the Green Egg Alliance members (#’s 44, 929 and 1748c) were able to contain and outscore the potent scoring machines from the #2 alliance led by the 4-H team 24 Supersonic Sparks.
The finals against the division 2 alliance champions led by team captain Technowarriors (#768) also consisted of the perennial powerhouse Driven Nuts (#76) and the very solid #2 pick from the Philadelphia area, Radnor Robotics (#101). The first of the best of 3 final matches pitted teams 44 and 929 against teams 768 and 101. 768's game plan appeared to be to stop tournament high scorer Green Egg Robotics from gathering cubes and scoring. There was a lot of bumping and shoving in the opening quarter of the match but while this was happening between the two team captains, teammate Hereford began scoring for the Green Egg Alliance. Green Egg was able to spin out of pressure and began scoring further in the high goals. The match ended with the Green Egg Alliance outscoring the Technowarrior team to win game one.
Game 2 was a matchup of Green Egg Robotics and their second pick Dunbar Lab Rats against the very solid pairing of the #1 and #2 seeds from division 2 Technowarriors and Driven Nuts. Green Egg Alliance took an early lead, winning the autonomous programming portion of the match while their feisty teammate forced the Technowarriors to misfire their autonomous scoring attempt. The match was hard fought as team 1748c played determined defense against the Driven Nuts team which freed Green Egg Robotics to score cubes. The match ended with the Green Egg team winning the platform in the final moments, sealing the tournament Championship.
Green Egg Robotics also was the recipient of the prestigious Excellence Award and won the Robot Skills Competition for driver control scoring 48 points. Team driver James was disappointed with the score as he was hoping to match their practice run high score of 54.
The team's final test of the 2008-2009 season is coming up soon with the World Championship in Dallas TX at the end of April. The team looks forward to being back to full strength as teammate Kieran returns to share the driving responsibilities.
For more thoughts re: the Atlantic Coast Championship : click HERE.
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